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In the year 2016 the Program was chosen as Collaborating Center in the fields of bioethics, public health ethics and research ethics for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO). WHO/PAHO chooses its’ Collaborating Centers according to a previous trajectory of collaboration and participation with this organisms, so this appointment means acknowledging the leadership and academic quality of a successful and consolidated work team. Moreover, it is a great honor given that when designated there only existed seven Collaborating Centers all over the world and our Program was the first in Latin America.

Bioethics Program has performed, as an editorial project, an edition of the journal ‘Perspectivas Bioéticas’ [Bioethical Perspectives]. This was the first Spanish-speaking bioethics journal in the region. The first number was published in 1996. In 2015, the first 20 years of the journal were celebrated and a merger was made from 2016 on with the ‘Revista de Bioética y Derecho’ [Journal of Bioethics and Law] from Universidad de Barcelona [University of Barcelona]. Thus, Perspectivas Bioéticas was relaunched and it is now published under the name of ‘Revista de Bioética y Derecho & Perspectivas Bioéticas’ [Journal of Bioethics and Law & Bioethical Perspectives].

Within the context of the Bioethics Program, the Observatorio Argentino de Bioética [Argentinian Observatory of Bioethics] was created with the purpose of promoting a critical and non-dogmatic approach to bioethics in the field of health. Nowadays, it has four published documents.

Bioethics Program created and coordinates the first Ibero-American Network of Bioethics. Such Network depends on the IAB (International Association of Bioethics), the most prestigious and renowned Bioethics’ association in the world.

Bioethics Program is also headquarter for FLACEIS (Foro Latinoamericano de miembros de Comités de Ética en Investigación en Salud [Latin American Forum for members of Ethics in Health Research Committees], Argentinian Chapter). FLACEIS  was founded in the year 2000 in Mexico and, a year later, the Argentinian chapter was created. Since then, FLACEIS Argentinian Chapter develops its activities within FLACSO, where research ethics committees held meetings every two months. In 2013 Dr. Florencia Luna was elected president of FLACEIS and the Bioethics Program coordinates the regional forum. In May 2017 the new president of FLACEIS is Dr. Estela Quiroz and the regional headquarter has moved to Peru.

Bioethics Program is very prestigious locally and internationally. It works jointly with universities and institutions in Latin America, U.S.A., Europe and with different international organisms. It hosts not only joint projects (like Fogarty Training Program), but it also has established the coordination of outstanding  international programs. This is a consistent and innovative Program that has been growing and incorporating new proposals through the years


The Bioethics Program is directed by Dr. Florencia Luna. There is no other institution in Argentina that gathers academic, training, research and publication activities, such as those offered by FLACSO’ Bioethics Program.

The Program’s education activities started in the year 1993 with the Superior Studies Certificate in Bioethics, becoming one of the first postgraduate education program in bioethics in Latin America. Now, the Bioethics Program offers a wide academic proposal, including a Superior Diploma, a Specialization in Bioethics and a Master in Bioethics; the Training Program in Research Ethics (funded by Fogarty International Center and National Cancer Institute (NCI)) and a Cross-discipline Postgraduate Study on Palliative Care.

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