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The journal Bioethical Perspectives was the first Spanish-speaking journal entirely dedicated to bioethics.


It was published every semester from 1996 to 2016. Its objective was to present analysis on ethical issues present in Latin America through original articles, the presentation of cases and discussions, brief communications, bibliographical reviews and elaborated texts written by authors of the region. This biannual publication was evaluated by the CAICyT [Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica – Argentinian Center for Scientific and Technological Information] (CONICET – National Scientific and Technical Research Council) as Higher Level of Excellence, included in Latindex catalogue.

Director of Editorial Committee: Dr. Florencia Luna. Editorial Committee: Dr. Gisela Farias, Dr. Liberato, Luis García, Dr. Teresa Pereira, Graciela Prece and Dr. Diana Cohen Agrest.


Some of the old numbers can be found for free  and online due to the work of These can be consulted here



This publication delivered every four-months is sponsored by the Master in Bioethics and Law of University of Barcelona. The Journal of Bioethics and Law was created in 2004 as an initiative from the Observatory of Bioethics and Law (OBD, for its Spanish initials) of the University of Barcelona. In 2016 the Journal Bioethical Perspectives of FLACSO was incorporated to the publishing scheme by merging both journals and staff.


This merger means that, today, the directors of both journals, Dr. Florencia Luna and Dr. María Casado, work jointly and that the members of Bioethical Perspectives joined the editorial committee. This new journal brings a new Ibero-American spirit that strengthens the power of both journals. The policy of open on-line access which has been the dissemination method  of the  Journal of Bioethics and Law is maintained; while we added the possibility of printing the new issues, following Bioethical Perspectives’ dissemination method. In addition to the publication of general articles, the JOURNAL includes various sections, such as: Bioethical Perspectives, Animal Bioethics, Bioethics in Court and Bioethics and Cinema.








Fabiola Leyton, Ph.D in Philosophy. Master in Bioethics and Law. Post-doctoral researcher and member of Observatory of Bioethics i Dret. University of Barcelona, Spain.




This is an open access journal, which means that all its content is of free access (Open Access) without any cost for the user or the institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link complete article texts in this journal without asking for prior authorization to the publisher or the author, whenever there are not profits involved in said operations and whenever sources are quoted. This journal gives immediate free access to its contents based on the principle that by putting the research at the disposal of the public freely favors global exchange of knowledge.



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María Casado, University of Barcelona. Doctor in Law. Authorized professor in Law Philosophy.

Florencia Luna, Ph.D in Philosophy. Director of the Bioethics Program, (FLACSO), Argentina.


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